Deva Vidya Wellness Program
Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. Deva Vidya teach how to live in the harmony with your inner self and with the world around you. Since the earliest times, Deva Vidya have included techniques to brighten eyes, clear skin and maintain vibrant health. Kayakalpa treatments are among the most popular, aimed at restoring not only physical vigor but also a youthful appearance.

Alternative approaches to wellness are often denoted by the use of two different phrases: health and wellness, and wellness programs. These kinds of wellness programs offer alternative medicine techniques to improve wellness. Whether these techniques actually improve physical health is controversial and a subject of much debate.
Wellness, as a luxury pursuit, is found obviously in the more affluent societies because it involves managing the body state after the basic needs of food, shelter and basic medical care have already been met. Many of the practices applied in the pursuit of wellness, in fact, are aimed at controlling the side effects of affluence, such as obesity and inactivity. Wellness grew as a popular concept starting in the 19th century, just as the middle class began emerging in the industrialized world, and a time when a newly prosperous public had the time and the resources to pursue wellness and other forms of self-improvement.
Kayakalpa is an legendary system of total body rejuvenation. Kayakalpa purifies, nurtures and revitalizes the constituent elements of the body, mind and psyche with a series of customized therapy sessions, herbo-mineral preparations, vital breathing practices, dietary guidelines, and daily living recommendations. Deva Vidya have included techniques to brighten eyes, clear skin and maintain vibrant health. Kayakalpa treatments are among the most popular, aimed at restoring not only physical vigor but also a youthful appearance.
Since this is a very dangerous type of application the guru used to teach this only to those disciples who are noble and trust worthy. Marma chikilsa is also a complete naturalistic healing system to rejuvenate the body by eliminating toxic imbalances to restore resistance and good health in the highly stressful environment of modern times.