Deva Vidya Siddha Treatment
Deva Vidya offers grace, vitality and serenity : it is a tradition that values beauty as a sign of inner harmony. India's Traditional Health System is several thousand years old, yet in the 21st century it is being taken up enthusiastically by people all over the world.

The principle of Deva Vidya is that good health stems from a correct balance of different energies and harmony with the outside world. As a medical system it is holistic, and through remedies exist for special problems, they are varied according to the person.
Over the years Prem Nath has developed a unique treatment style , blending Siddha Science with Kayakalpa techniques, Prana Yoga and Varma Kalai and has since cured a lot of bed ridden patients and restored health to many during his many years of practice.
He has learned and is practicing the secrete therapy method called “Pancha Prana Shuddhi” which can remove pre-mature senility / deformities arising from bad life style, heredity or from accidents
All of these techniques are researched and developed by the ancestors of Sri Prem Nath. These methods are mentioned in the manuscript called "Anubhava Siddha Vaidya Chiktsa Rehasyam" - written by the ancestor Physicians in Deva Vidya Siddha Linage
Deva Vidya was established in the earlier nineties, as a Traditional Gurukula System, under the eminent leadership of Sri Prem Nath. Prem Nath, hailing from a Siddha family of famous physicians, followed the footsteps of his grandfather, Late Sri Narayanan Vaidyar and started practicing traditional siddha medicine and marma therapies. He uses his large collection of manuscripts for advancing and spreading the Siddhar wisdom to all.