Yoga Spiritual retreat
Indian spirituality , is NOT just"get up in the early morning, take a bath and go round a temple and pray" - as the whole world thinks.
Learn what needs to be known. Learn that which takes you across the ocean of worldly turmoil life after life and Realize Your Eternal Immortal Self.

Human intellect has not been able to conceive of anything more noble or sublime in the history of the world, than the Vedantha Philosophy.
"Awake, Arise, and find a proper teacher and get enlightened "
Our yoga training covers a wide spectrum - many schools rolled into one. An exchasting training is givening prana yoga and mudra yoga also.
Prana Yoga :
Prana yoga holds the efficiency to deal with almost all deceases which are normally considered incurable
Mudra Yoga :
In - depth training in mudra yoga also. Many mudras start working in three seconds. There are simple remodies for many minor and major aliments such as Cold, cough, sinusitis, asthma, low blood pressure / high blood pressure, obesity, skin deceases, heart deceases, osteoporosis, epilepsy, arthritis, back ache ........ to mansion a few.
These practices are exclusive to a particular person, as the remedies involved are designed specifically for a person.
A deep soaking in the highest Vedantic thoughts using some highly pregnant verses is the backbone and strength of this program.
Learn what needs to be known. Learn that which takes you across the ocean of worldly turmoil life after life and Realize Your Eternal Immortal Self.
We are eager to see that you get a closer taste of Kerala's hospitality and traditional cuisine. Onam type feast will be served once in a week. You will get a few occasions to taste health foods in which deep-acting Ayurvedic herbs are included.
Foodstuffs we can decide, most democratically, on mutual consensus. If you are lucky, and in season, you will get occasions to taste some of our local fruit varieties which are commonly not known and seldom seen outside.
Spiritual activities
Academic lectures
Yogic sadhanas
Deva Vidya was established in the earlier nineties, as a Traditional Gurukula System, under the eminent leadership of Sri Prem Nath. Prem Nath, hailing from a Siddha family of famous physicians, followed the footsteps of his grandfather, Late Sri Narayanan Vaidyar and started practicing traditional siddha medicine and marma therapies. He uses his large collection of manuscripts for advancing and spreading the Siddhar wisdom to all.